Human Enhacement Through the Ableism Lens
Gregor Wolbring
An e-mail interview made by Francisco Guzmán. April 2010
Dr. Gregor Wolbring is an Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Faculty of
Medicine, Dept. of Community Health Sciences, Program in Community
Rehabilitation and Disability Studies. Member Review Board of the journal Review in Disability Studies. Member International Editorial Advisory Board of the journal Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology. Member Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Nanotechnology and Molecular Computation (IJNMC).
His interests cover Ability and ableism ethics and governance; Disability
Studies; Social, ethical and governance issues of new, emerging and converging
sciences and technologies (S&T), such as nanoscale S&T, cognitive sciences, neuromorphic engineering, genetics, synthetic biology,
governance of bodily enhancement S&T, artificial intelligence and robotics; impact of S&T on: marginalized populations, especially disabled people; ableism and
transhumanism; foresight studies, bioethics issues, and biochemistry.
You can find some of his writings in these webpages:
1. Ableism is a concept used by the disabled people community and further expanded
on by you. What is the contribution of this concept to the enhancement
The term ableism evolved from the civil rights movements in the United States
and Britain during the 1960s and 1970s to question and highlight the prejudice
and discrimination people experienced whose body structure and ability
functioning was labelled as ‘impaired’ as sub species-typical. Ableism of this flavour was defined as a set of beliefs, processes and practices that favours species-typical normative body structure based abilities and labels subnormative
species-typical biological structures as deficient, as not able to perform as
required, as being in need of fixing. The disabled people rights discourse and
scholars of the academic field of disability studies (for a list of disability
studies programs see (Steven Taylor, 2003)) questions the favouritism for normative species-typical body abilities (Carlson,
2001; Finkelstein, 1996; Mitchell & Snyder, 1997; Olyan, 2009; Rose, 2003; Schipper, 2006; Fiona A. K. Campbell, 2001; Carlson, 2001; Overboe, 2007).
The discourse around deafness and Deaf Culture (Burch, 2000; Abberley, 2003;
Chimedza, 1998; Hladek, 2002; Kersting, 1997; Lane & Bahan, 1998; Sparrow, 2005) would be one example where many people expect the
ability to hear and see deafness as a deficiency to be treated through medical
means whereby many Deaf people do not perceive deafness as a deficiency and
hearing as an essential ability. Within the disabled people rights framework
ableism was set up as a term to be used like sexism and racism.
However ableism is evident far beyond the species-typical, sub species-typical
dichotomy. Ableism is one of the most societal entrenched and accepted “isms” and it exists in many forms such as biological structure based ableism,
cognition based ableism, ableism inherent to a given economic system, and
social structure based ableism (Wolbring, 2008a). The ableism’s that expects the ability a) to generate a high GDP and be productive and
efficient; b) to consume products and c) to be competitive are just three
ableism’s outside of the species-typical, sub species-typical dichotomy cherished by
many. The favouritism of abilities furthermore contributes to other isms such
as racism, sexism, cast-ism, ageism, speciesism, anti-environmentalism and
other ism’s (Wolbring, 2008f).
2. In spite of all that it seems to be impossible to organize a society without
putting in order some set of essential abilities. Could it be possible to define a set of abilities that lead to the most
beneficial scenario for the maximum number of people? And in case this is
possible, how can we avoid social discrimination of that people who could not,
or refuse to adopt these set of abilities?
Yes of course, but we need the following knowledge tools to achieve all these goals. I
suggested these new fields of inquiry:
Ability Studies is the study of (a) the social, cultural, legal, political,
ethical and other angles which influence the judgment of any given ability and
which leads to the favouritism of one ability over another (b) the impact and consequence of the favouritism of certain abilities and
rejection of others (c) the consequences of ableism in its different forms and its relationship and
impact on other isms (d) the impact of new and emerging technologies on ableism and the favouritism
towards certain abilities and rejection of other abilities (e) what abilities would lead to the most beneficial scenario for the maximum
amount of people in the world.
Ethics of Ableism/Ableism Ethics is a framework of standards and values that (a)
guide beliefs, processes and practices that produces based on ones abilities a
particular kind of understanding of oneself, one’s body and one’s relationship with others of one’s species, other species and one’s environment and includes one being judged by others; (b) guide the favouritism
for certain abilities and how one decide which abilities to favour over others;
(c) guide the reactions towards humans and other biological entities that are
seen -real or perceived- to lack these essential abilities. The study of the
Ethics of Ableism/Ableism Ethics, also includes (a) the study of those
standards and values, incorporating the perspectives of many different groups
especially of the people labelled as lacking certain ‘essential’ abilities or labelled as exhibiting ‘as negative seen abilities’; (b) the impact assessment of different forms of ableism onto different ethics
theories and ethical principles including health ethics theories and their use
to govern science and technology and health research, care and policy and (c)
identification of ethical actions that flow from a favouritism for certain
Governance of Ableism/Ableism Governance is about how we govern ableism, the
favouritism for certain abilities and the reaction towards non favoured
abi-lities. This field is seen as an essential tool to help address existing
and future challenges in the governance of science and technology and many
other fields such as health policy.
Finally, Ableism Foresight is to anticipate and understand shifting social
dynamics e-nabled by advancing sciences and technologies.
3. Proponents of human enhancement may argue that these technologies are to provide
people the possibility of seek and adopt those abilities they are free to
consider essential for carrying out their projects. What can be said about this
through the ableism lens?
In many of my writings I highlight how the desire for certain abilities and the
exhibition of certain ableism’s favour the acceptance of enhancement pro-ducts.
Individuals, households, communities, groups, sectors, regions, countries and
cultures cherish and promote certain abilities while viewing others as
non-essential (favoritism of abilities). A step beyond the dynamic of favoring certain abilities is the dynamic of
ableism where one not only cherishes certain abi-lities but where one sees
certain abilities in oneself or others as essential. Ableism leads to an
ability based and ability justified understanding of oneself, one’s body and one’s relationship with others of one’s species, other species and one’s environment. (Wolbring, 2008a) Ableism often leads to disablism (Miller,
Parker, & Gillinson, 2004), the discriminatory, oppressive, and non-supportive behavior
arising from the belief that certain abilities are essential. Ableism has been used historically and still is used by various social groups to
justify their elevated level of rights and status in relation to other social
groups, other species and the environment they live in (Wolbring, 2008a;
Wolbring, 2008b; Wolbring, 2008e).
4. What is transhumanization of ableism?
Transhumanized form of ableism is where people perceive the improvement of human
body abilities beyond species-typical boundaries not only as desi-rable but as
essential (Wolbring, 2008f; Wolbring, 2008b).
5. Functional diversity is a new term proposed (Romañach and Lobato, 2005) to refer to people who are in the moment labelled as
impairment people in a positive or neutral way, as none of the common terms
(like disabled, handicapped, invalid, impaired etc) used cu-rrently is so. Even
it has been suggested to use functional diversity to refer to all human beings,
even those who shows normal or beyond species-typical biological structures or
abilities given that all people function in diverse ways (Patston, 2007). Do
you think it could be a good term for the design of a more inclusive society in
order to deal with human enhancement possibilities and risks?
Sure it’s one possibility. There are many terms. Some use differently able. I use the
term Variability from time to time (Wolbring, 2009). I developed a Glossary that I find is more accurate. It also makes a distinction
between body structure function and social reaction. It uses the term
disability only for the social reaction part. (Wolbring, 2009)
Enhancement controversies.
6. Normally enhancement debates swings between the defence of species-nature
essentialism and the transhumanist defence to go beyond species-typical
boundaries with the help of technology. However we can find currently multiple
social movements and research frameworks, disability studies amongst them, that
argue against the existence of an essential human identity founded on any
biological structures or abilities. Does it make any sense to oppose the
enhancement technologies development from the essentialist perspective?
No. I think that as long as certain enhancements are seen as useful for certain
people to fulfill certain private or societal goals beyond species-typical body enhancements will be used. One can only stop it if one changes the equation on
the demand side. Enhancements are too diverse in their product line and impact and consequences
to just oppose them with one argument. Even if one would employ the
Species-nature argument it could not be applied to all forms of enhancement
like external and body attached enhancements. I would think this argument could
only be used for intrinsic body enhancement and even there for certain ones the
argument might be weak. I think it’s much more useful to deal with enhancement from a societal, ableism lens to
highlight what drives it and what the consequences are. And then it’s up to the
people to decide. I cannot do more than highlight the situation and dynamics. If people see ability x as essential they will accept nearly any product
that facilitates and enables the advancement of ability x.
7. Opponents to human enhancements say these technologies promote negative
attitudes towards people who are seen as not having these abilities and raise
concerns that such negative attitudes might result in harmful public policies
and practices e.g. job discrimination, barriers to health insurance or funding
cuts for healthcare. However it seems to be inevitable that these enhancements
applications become more and more frequent. So that the enhanced will have to
live with the no enhanced. Is it possible to think about a social model for
this case, I mean a social design which enable any person whether they are
identified as not having certain essential species-typical abi-lities,
species-typical abled or enhanced abled?
Of course, as long as we come to an understanding as to which abilities are
desirable and which aren’t and how to develop a societal framework around them that is the least harmful. Space and support has to be provided that allows for people to live with their set of abilities without being judged
negatively. If we continue on the path of ableism as in negatively judging
people who are seen as having sub species-typical abilities and if we continue
with the disablement dynamic (lack of support, accommodation...) of the today
as sub species-typical defined people it makes it logical to apply the same
dynamic to the dichotomy of the haves an haves not of enhancement abilities. It seems illogical to expect that the ableism and disablism evident in the sub
species-typical versus species-typical dichotomy will not be employed in other
ability related dichotomies.
8. For instance, there are concerns that genetic modification violates an
individual’s right to an open future. If parents choose the genetic make up of their child,
the child may feel enormous pressure to live up to the expectations of his/her
parents. Proponents argue, ho-wever, that none of us gave consent to be born
with the genetic make-up that nature randomly bestowed upon us and question why
the genetically engineered children of the future would feel any di-fferently
about themselves than we do today. What might it be said on this issue from the
ableist approach?
Let me first say that in regards to enhancement the focus on genetics is a red
herring1 . The enhancement products for quite awhile will be mostly of the non genetic
flavour and as such the social policy around how to deal with enhancements and
how enhanced and ‘non-enhanced people will relate to each others will be developed there. And once genetic enhancement in a broad meaningful way become feasible I think
one already has come to a societal agreement (sort of) related to the
enhancement situation. As to the argument about the open future; the pressure of expectations exists
all the time. This is where the ableism lens can contribute valuable inside. I
think the arguments mostly do not hold as they are developed with the special
case of genetics without taking into account and questioning the same dynamic
happening outside the case of genetics. If the argument of pressure of
expectations is to be tenable in the genetics discourse one has to also
question and deal also with the other incidents of pressure of expectations.
The negative image of the sub species-typical is one example of pressure of
expectations. It adds to the species-typical ableist flavour of the genetic
discourse especially the prebirth discourse. As I wrote elsewhere “It seems that every argument used to justify sex selection prohibition could
also be used to demand disability deselection prohibition. Furthermore any
arguments used to denounce the demand for the prohibition of disability
deselection can be used just as well to denounce the arguments used to demand
the prohibition of sex selection”(I used in that case the term disability with the meaning of impairment). (Wolbring, 2003) However many legal instruments and policy document make a
distinction between sex selection and impairment deselection. The pressure of expectations also exist in other areas; the need to be
productive is another example and there are many more. And one can of course expect such pressure of expectations also in the case of
9. What do you think about the line of reasoning that describes the internal human
performance enhancements as the culmination of a process that begun with the adoption of external performance enhancements, so that there would be no important difference between enhancement possibilities and what we have done until now?
There are of course differences. For example all the external performance
enhancements used to be reversible or non continuous (like we can fly by plane
but we can also decide to not to on a case by case basis) whereas many
especially device related internal human performance enhancements are difficult
to reverse to the former state (it is not that simple to continuously through
surgery add and remove implants). Even drugs that might lead to enhancements it
might not be that easy to just stop them as one might get addicted to them
2. However at the same time it’s true that the push for external and internal enhancements can often be traced
back to the same root of favouritism for certain abilities (ableism is dealt
with further up).
10. Biotechnologies, as well as information and cognitive sciences are converging
with nanotechnologies in a new research framework called
Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno-sciences (NBIC’s) whose research program seeks possibilities to analyze and improve human
performance. Opponents raise concerns that it might be used to do away with
diversity or to eradicate people with disability, as well as it might put in risk our essential human nature. Why do you think that this enhancement approach was chosen to promote the development of the NBIC
Technologies, despite these controversies?
First let me say that there are many other possible fields for Nanoscale and
nanoscale enabled products and processes. Nanoscale science and technologies
increasingly are part of various science and technology fields such as physics,
chemistry, material sciences, biotechnology, biology, genetics, synthetic
biology, information and communication technology, cognitive sciences and
neuro-engineering, bioengineering, geo-engineering and others. Applications and
products are envisioned in areas such as the environment, energy, water,
military applications, globalization, agriculture, health and others (my
regular column (so far over 70) that is on nano applications covers many nanoscale applications; see also these references (National Academy of Engineering of the National
Academies, 2008; Salamanca-Buentello et al., 2005; UN Millennium Project’s Task Force on Science & Calestous Juma and Lee Yee-Cheong, 2005; Coenen et al., 2009; Nature, 2008)
Cientifica a long time very influential nanotechnology consulting group predicts that “....some 80% of the 2015 US$ 1.5 trillion market will be accounted for by
applications of nanotechnologies in the pharmaceuticals and healthcare sectors”(Cientifica Ltd, 2007) Various nanomedicine taxonomies (Neil Gordon & Uri Sagman, 2003; Freitas R, 2005), and roadmaps (VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik
GmbH, 2005) (The National Institute for Health (NIH, 2005) exist. Many nano
health applications are envisioned, in development, or already in use (The
National Institute for Health (NIH, 2005; René de Groot, 2006; Wolbring, 2005; Silva & Van Calster, 2008).
As I wrote elsewhere (Wolbring, 2008f) “Introducing the concepts of ‘NBIC convergence’ and ‘convergence on the nanoscale’ one can argue was not enough to gain access to funding and high visibility.
Funding and visibility is linked to promised products and achievement of goals.
The organizers had to come up with a goal they felt would a) be applicable to
many different areas seen as important by the government and funding agencies
b) be sellable as being essential for the advances of the different important
areas marked for the well being of the USA and its citizens; c) seen as being
able to fit with the chosen BIC and the nanoconvergence; d) have a history of
interventions; e) generate little public outcry. The goal of human performance enhancement
fits all the above criteria.” One could also say that the enhancement choice fitted with the prevailing favouritism of abilities that are seen essential by
politicians and others. Also that it fits certain ability favouritism might
explain that environment health and safety issues have much more visibility and led to more voicing of concerns in the nano
discourse than the enhancement angle.
11. One of the proponents’ arguments for these researches is their capacity for alleviate the suffering
which nobody wants to experience from a utilitarian perspective. Given the
social and commercial pressures engaged in the enhancement technologies
promotion, does still make any sense claiming for a cancellation of these
researches based on their possible negative impact which could provoke their
bad use?
The alleviation of suffering is an unconvincing argument as under give social
dynamics it will also generate new sufferings. Furthermore there are many other
ways to alleviate existing suffering with changes in social dynamics and
re-evaluation of science and technology goals. However pure prohibition of
certain products and research endeavours without changing social dynamics that
lead to the demand for the product in the first place is untenable. For the
most part products do not come is if there is a lack of desire.
12. In human enhancement debate, as a bioethics issue, two ideological trends are
said to appear: one more conservative, opposed to these technologies and based
on religious moral, and another trend supposedly more “open” to their implementation3 . I think it is possible to raise concerns about the consequences and risks of
human enhancement out of moral religious background. Why does it frequently
happen that every caution stand about these technologies is so easy taken for
granted that is driven by some kind of essentialism or religious background?
To start, although some enhancements might be in opposition to some religious
values not every religion will judge every enhancement the same. Furthermore if
people believe in certain forms of ableism they will not oppose many
enhancements. Consumerism and Competitiveness mostly trumps religious values in
the West for example. Also we have various arguments pro con enhancement beside
the two mentioned above but this above polarization of these two views suits
media coverage. But it does not reflect the reality of the discourse arguments.
To clarify why is it supposed that every caution argument is based on religious
values, even when it does not have to be based on such va-lues or believes. For
example, caution argument concerning disabled people (or possible future techno
poor ‘impaired’ (as you call them in one of your writings) discrimination may promote the idea
of giving same high value to every human life, whatever his ‘impairment’ might be. In contrast, many enhancement proponents may argue that life value
mainly depends on the best body performance that an indivi-dual can get to
achieve his personal goals, and they will probably consider it irrational, to
refuse the adoption of such enhancements to avoid social discrimination based
on ‘obsolete’ religious or traditional believes. Personally I think that all this might be some enhancement proponent’s tactic to easy reject many opponent’s arguments.
Well sure there is that, that by labelling your opponent in a way that decreases
the positive sentiment towards them and which leads to the disregarding of
their arguments due to the label its achieves is a tool. The same is true for
how the term bio conservative is used and how disabled people who have certain
views that make an ableist agenda more problematic are labelled as disabled
people rights extremists. For sure an ableism lens and disabled people rights argument are more difficult
to deal with as they do not fit existing boxes.
13. Could it become a matter of rights enabled by any human enhancement state program as it is the Medical insurance program in other
Yes I actually just have a peer reviewed book chapter coming out (Wolbring,
2010) that makes this point that the medical insurance system of the future
might be there to ensure that people can upgrade themselves (linked to a change
in the meaning of health where one is seen as ill if not enhanced). Of course that does not mean that everyone has access to this insurance. That
will depend on countries and how accessible their medical insurance systems are
14. Sometimes it happens that research programs have more impact, not because of
their direct outcomes, but because of the imaginarium they involve. E.g.
anti-aging therapies haven’t yet reached their main goals, that is to interrupt or reverse natural aging
processes, ho-wever they have already contribute to promote physical youth as
an important social value. To what extent human enhancement constitutes a real
possibility or simply acts as a way to state some human stereotype?
I think its goes both ways. People look for longevity products because they want
to keep the ability of youth and if longevity products would be available more
people would go for them (assuming that it’s ‘longevity in a healthy state’). Human enhancement constitutes a real possibility and indeed we move towards
it all the time. Whether some of the more long term visions such as uploading
ones consciousness, immortality.... come to pass who knows but these visions
that many see as outlandish take the focus of the fact that there will be
increasingly products that will questions existing ability expectations and
ability hierarchies (see the labelling of a prosthetic leg as techno doping and the huge debate around whether a Paralympic athlete
(Pistorius) should be allowed to compete against an Olympic athlete if the
artificial legs give an unfair advantage)(Wolbring, 2008d). It’s up to societies whether these advancements will be used to further existing
stereotypes and exclusionary ableism practices (Wolbring, 2008b). If we go on
with existing social dynamics we will see the appearance of what I call the
techno poor impaired and disabled (Wolbring, 2008c).
15. The expenses involved in enhancement are foreseen as the cause of a new divide
between those who can afford them and those poor techno-impaired who cannot.
This divide is quite similar to digital divide between information and
communication technologies (ICT) users and lacking training or infrastructure
not users for who a reduction in costs and full ICT access is promoted. Is it
reasonable to think all these technologies will become someday fully accessible
for everyone?
No, as we can see today with water and food security. Even these basic issues
have not been solved yet. There will not be an equitable access. However
although equitable access will not be the case to just use this argument for
the enhancement discourse is problematic. As long as we do not seriously try to
rectify other inequitable situations the pro-enhancement people will state that
why should equity all by a sudden play a role here. As long as we do not fight
inequity in general this argument will not stop the enhancement use.
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1. Note from the interviewer: A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to
divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to “win” an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic.
The name of this fallacy comes from the sport of fox hunting in which a dried,
smoked herring, which is red in color, is dragged across the trail of the fox
to throw the hounds off the scent.
2. Wolbring, G. “Obsolescence and body technologies”, paper accepted to publish in Dilemata, International Journal of Applied Ethics, nº4 (2010)
3. As exposed in “The REMEDIE (Regenerative Medicine in Europe) Project” interview to John Harris by Iñigo de Miguel in Dilemata, International Journal of Applied Ethics, Nº2 (2010), pp. 131-137