About the Journal

Focus han scope

DILEMATA is a peer-reviewed quarterly e-journal centered on what is known today as 'practical ethics', 'ethics in action', or 'philosophy and public affairs'. It deals with a manifold of issues, questions, problems and domains: biomedicine, the environment, non human animals, business, scientific research, sexuality, the media, and so on. DILEMATA looks forward to increasing social participation in the public debate, fostering the sharing of information, transparency policies and lay participation in deliberation and decision making procedures in the moral domain. It also tries to create a venue for specialists in different sub-fields in contemporary ethics to get together. DILEMATA is run by a group of professors and researchers from universities and research centers in Spain and Latin America. It comprises debate section, articles, reviews, and in depth interviews.

You are invited to consult the Journal, to send your comments (we provide a space for that), and to submit your proposals. We look forward to DILEMATA being yours, too!

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge. For this reason, all contents of this electronic edition, except where otherwise noted, are licensed under a “Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No Comercial 3.0 Spain” (CC-by-nc). You can consult here the informative version and the legal text of the license. This circumstance must be expressly stated in this way when necessary.