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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has been neither previously published or sent for publication elsewhere (Previous related publications should be disclosed in a comment to the editor)
  • The file must be sent in odt, doc, docx or wpd.
  • Whenever possible, references should include links to websites
  • Text format: singled-space; 12 point font; underlining should be avoided (italic is preferred, with the exception of URL addresses); pictures, figures and tables should be inserted within the text rather than at the end of the document.
  • References should comply with the guidelines mentioned above.
  • Authors should make sure that their names are not included in the text, in order to ensure a blind peer-review process: check that the file containing the text of the article does NOT contain personal authorship data. If the author or authors are cited in notes, replace the name with the word AUTHOR.

Author Guidelines


  • Spanish and English.


  • Title of article, name of author, work center, university of origin, etc… Postal address and email address. Abstract of the article, with a maximum of 150 words in Spanish and English.
  • Keywords of the contents of the article in Spanish and English.
  • Article length: no more than 7000 words/25 pp. Reviews: 2500 words/10 pp.


  • Bibliography at the end of the work in alphabetical order.
  • Only include publications that have been used and are cited specifically in the text. Based on the ISO 690:1987, take the following form: surname of author, author's name (both in lowercase letters), year of publication in parentheses, colon, book title in lowercase italics, place of publishing and editorial.


  • The text of the article references to other works will be made indicating the author's surname and year of publication (an, if it is the case, the exact page where the quote is a paraphrase), separated by a comma, in parentheses (Gewirth, 2003, 20). If a reference contains a number of authors, cited one after the other separated by a semicolon. If you include several works by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them with letters (Gewirth, 2003a, 2003b).
  • The quotations should be in inverted commas, noting in parentheses below —no-footer— the author's surname, year of publication and page (Toulmin, 1999, 545-546). If the appointment is longer than five lines will be presented in the form of bleeding.


  • The text notes and calls are numbered in succession and are situated below.


  • Tables and graphs should be accompanied by its corresponding title and legend and numbered sequentially. The graphics may be submitted computer generated. Photographs may be in electronic form.


  • Articles and reviews will be subject to the discretion of experts. The system makes use of arbitration to the editorial board, editors of monographic issues, if it is the case, and external experts. Once accepted, the work and corrections should be submitted in its final form.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses will be exclusively used for the purposes of publication in Dilemata, International Journal of Applied Ethics, and will not be made available to any other person or for any other purpose.