Deliberation in the Understanding of the Rules of Heuristic Reasoning


  • Ana Laura Fonseca Patrón Departamento de Filosofía Universidad de Guanajuato


This paper has a twofold objective. The first one is to show how Gigerenzer"™s ecological rationality is considered a kind of instrumental rationality and how, as such, it shows some difficulties to consider deliberation processes involved in the assessment of the ends followed by heuristics and in their modification. I show why those processes seem relevant to consider a heuristic as normative presenting one of Gigerenzer"™s examples. The second objective is to suggest, through an analogous example, that norms of heuristic reasoning emerge from our experience in the solution of social conflicts that are solved through deliberation about both, means and ends.



How to Cite

Fonseca Patrón, A. L. (2016). Deliberation in the Understanding of the Rules of Heuristic Reasoning. Dilemata, (22), 55–70. Retrieved from