Gestational Surrogacy: Emotional and Psychological Aspects in Surrogate Mother


  • Mónica Bascuñana Garde


Surrogate pregnancy is included in the new techniques of assisted reproduction in which a woman develops a child for another person, which will adopt the role of parents. In Spain, this technique is currently forbidden but a social debate about a possible legalization has been opened. It is a complex decision, since there are a lot of emotional and psychological aspects that can affect all the members of the triad: pregnant woman, surrogates and the future child. In the case of the pregnant woman, the emotions produced during the whole process, or rather the cancellation of them, as well as the possible later difficulties in the delivery of the child make it fundamental to reconsider the true need to establish a technique whose implications they can generate negative emotional disturbances, especially in the most vulnerable parts of the agreement.

Author Biography

Mónica Bascuñana Garde

Psicóloga especialista en Reproducción Asistida.
Consulta privada. Madrid



How to Cite

Bascuñana Garde, M. (2018). Gestational Surrogacy: Emotional and Psychological Aspects in Surrogate Mother. Dilemata, (28), 41–49. Retrieved from