Ethical Problems of Dietary Adaptations in People with Dysphagia


  • Núria Oriol-Peregrina


This article introduces the ethical problems that emerge from the relationship established between the speech therapist and people who have swallowing disorders and who need dietary adaptations to avoid medical complications and to achieve swallowing security is not always possible. Decision making is influenced by multiple factors.
In the set of the lines of intervention in the dysphagia, adaptation of the diet is considered one more therapeutic procedure. It is an ethical imperative to look at the many aspects that influence a diet change, from the most individual, preferential and habits, social, cultural, and spiritual aspects to the most biological aspects that concern health workers for health issues.

Author Biography

Núria Oriol-Peregrina

Centre Sociosanitari Vallparadís de Grup Mútua de Terrassa
Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya



How to Cite

Oriol-Peregrina, N. (2019). Ethical Problems of Dietary Adaptations in People with Dysphagia. Dilemata, (29), 149–163. Retrieved from