Robot-patient Interactions: Current Determinants and Prospective from the Ethics of Care


  • Miguel Vieito Villar Abogado. Vocal del Comité de Ética Asistencial de la Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Santiago de Compostela Doctorando – Universidad Pública de Navarra


Innovation in the field of health services is an indissolubly included factor in quality healthcare. However, and even since the existence of strong controls regarding new medicines and medical devices, there is not a required standard concerning artificial intelligence and its application in health, counting we are facing examples of robot-patient interactions

In this field of new challenges and paradigms, we propose an analysis of both international and national documents which defend giving this use of artificial intelligence in touch with users a minimum of security and responsibility, protecting the patients’ integrity, concerning moral damage as well.

We would also like to highlight the relevance and adequacy of an approach coming from the ethics of care, as a framework for the development of this general utilisation of machine-human interactions in healthcare.



How to Cite

Vieito Villar, M. (2019). Robot-patient Interactions: Current Determinants and Prospective from the Ethics of Care. Dilemata, (30), 27–42. Retrieved from