Ethics in a Qualitative Research about “Sacred Consultation” in Primary Health Care: an Open Reflection


  • Elena Serrano
  • Mikel Baza
  • Carlos Calderón
  • Cristina Cabrera
  • Ana Dosio
  • Mª José Fernández de Sanmamed
  • Carmen López Fando
  • Sara Olariaga
  • Miren Urquiza
  • Grupo Kuxkuxeroak*


Every research needs methodological rigour and a stance of continuous review of what it was done and its consequences which should cover both the practicalities and the reflective and epistemological aspects. Drawing from the experience of the qualitative research “Perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of primary care doctors towards the sacred consultation in the Basque Country”, the authors analyse in detail the different ethical requirements and share an open reflexion about the ethical issues raised during the research.

Ethics encompasses an ever-present element throughout the whole research process, from the methodological and procedural decisions to the most epistemological ones. In this task, a certain reflexive attitude of the researcher team is needed, and compliance with ethical principles and requirement is highly useful. However, the mere compliance of these requirements is not enough. Contextual factors affecting the researcher team and the people investigated, as well as the object of study, have to be taken in consideration. All this opens a vast debate in the field of the ethics of research, with not always coincident positions.

Author Biographies

Elena Serrano

Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria


Grupo Kuxkuxeroak*

* Beatriz Aragón, Mikel Baza, Cristina Cabrera, Carlos Calderón,  Ana Dosio, Nabil Diouri, Maria José Fernández de Sanmamed, Juan Gérvas, Maxi Gutierrez, Lorea Larrañaga, Carmen López Fando, Sara Olariaga, Amaia Saez de Ormijana, Elena Serrano, Miren Urquiza y Ana Uriarte.



How to Cite

Serrano, E., Baza, M., Calderón, C., Cabrera, C., Dosio, A., Fernández de Sanmamed, M. J., López Fando, C., Olariaga, S., Urquiza, M., & Kuxkuxeroak*, G. (2020). Ethics in a Qualitative Research about “Sacred Consultation” in Primary Health Care: an Open Reflection. Dilemata, (31), 85–94. Retrieved from


