Disruptions, continuities and determinisms in in vitro gametogenesis.


  • Natalia Fernández-Jimeno Universidad de Oviedo


socially disruptive tecnologies, in vitro gametogenesis, reproductive assisted technologies, determinism, values, co-production


In this work I have tried to fill the gap left by the bioethical discussion on in vitro gametogenesis (IVG) with regard to the contextual factors of the development of this technology. Starting from the understanding of IVG within the sociotechnical system of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), I tray to explain, from a co-production point of view, the role played by agents and contextual factors in the configuration of the IVG. To do this, I use semi-structured interviews with specialist in embryology, as well as scientific and philosophical bibliographic sources on IVG. Finally, I examine the disruptive capacity of IVG withn this context. 



How to Cite

Fernández-Jimeno, N. (2021). Disruptions, continuities and determinisms in in vitro gametogenesis. Dilemata, (34), 11–29. Retrieved from https://dilemata.net/revista/index.php/dilemata/article/view/412000412