Uncertainty as an Antidote to the Pathological Mistrust and Irresponsibilities of the Digital Age


  • Roberto R.Aramayo IFS-CSIC


Filosofía; Ética; Responsabilidad; Realidad virtual; Piedras filosofales


The digital era provides quick access to a lot of data that is often poorly substantiated and frequently designed to disinform or deny evidence that is inconvenient to certain interests. The constant and continuous use of technological devices that provide instant gratification imbues us with a certain arrogance, as if we could fulfill all our desires by sliding our finger across a screen. This relentless immersion in virtual reality blurs the real facts, the veracity of which we come to distrust, preferring the dogmatic and incontestable certainties provided by hoaxes and so-called “alternative facts”. Inhabiting this parallel reality makes us disregard our responsibility towards others. That is why we must vindicate the cultivation of philosophy and ethical reflection as antidotes to the philosopher’s stones offered to us by those who pretend to be soothsayers whose guidance will solve all our problems. As we want perennial and instant certainties, we distrust everyone and everything. Like uncertainty, other of our most human traits are precisely trust and responsibility. Without them we become dehumanized.



How to Cite

R.Aramayo, R. (2022). Uncertainty as an Antidote to the Pathological Mistrust and Irresponsibilities of the Digital Age. Dilemata, (38), 31–43. Retrieved from https://dilemata.net/revista/index.php/dilemata/article/view/412000488



Truth, Disinformation and Verification: Epistemic and Moral Challenges // Articl